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Light-hearted Recap of 2020 So Far!!!

A year that would be hard to forget!!!
Soniya Khushalani
Two minute silence for people who spent truck load of money to welcome 2020.
Some dude wanted to eat a bat...
We get it dude...you don't want to eat brocolli...but in what universe is a BAT opposite to BROCOLLI???
And now I can't touch my own face...who the hell will pop my zits!!!
This bat-eating dude has caused a PANDEMIC...
While the humans are home bound,
Our four legged friends are having fun...
Introverts are having the time of their lives!!!
This little bird keeps the fun alive!!!
Because what's more important than pooping....
How I met your mother in 2020
Ultimately, the greatest lesson that COVID-19 can teach humanity is that we are all in this together!!!
-Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw