Hilarious Restaurant Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Things are not always rosy at a restaurant, they can lead to hilarious situations as well.
Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
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Hilarious Restaurant Memes
The viral memes trend has rubbed itself over restaurants as well. These funny restaurant memes will show you the lighter side of restaurant life.
Picking up the phone for a To-Go Order
And they ask you what's on the entire menu!
Me: When My Table Tells Me They Are Sick And I Give Them Soup:
When you forgot they didn't want mayo and you just wait there to see if they notice...
When the customer plays 'I know the owner' card.
*Kids Destroy Table*
Customers: "Sorry for the mess."
Expensive Restaurants Be Like:
That's $100.00 Sir!!
We saw what happens behind the scenes in a restaurant. Let's find a few laughs by sharing a few memes related to experiences of guests at a restaurant.
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That Moment:
When you're wondering where your order is and you realize you never put it in!
Went to a restaurant
the place down!
When Waiter finally arrives with food!
When the table next to you gets their food before you, even though you got there first!
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"Sorry, the kitchen lost your ticket".
"Sorry, we are out of bread"
"Sorry, for your wait, I'm not your server but I can take care of you."
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Me at an Italian restaurant and the waiter covers the dish with parmesan cheese.
These funny moments will definitely lighten the mood behind the scenes.
I am sure you enjoyed these hilarious restaurant memes. Restaurant life is definitely filled with exhilaration, stress, as well as satisfaction.