College Memes That Will Remind You of Your College Life
A Nostalgic Feeling...
Meenakshi Sutar
College life is that nostalgic part of your life which you will never forget! Have a look at these funny college memes and get a feel of those youthful days.
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When the lecturer is a beautiful lady!
I will never bunk the class!
Remember giving proxy attendance for your friends?
Teacher: "Hey you, tell me what I said just now."
Can you please repeat, Sir???
The Backbenchers
Attending a lecture after lunch break.... Perfect time for an afternoon nap.
Bunking a class and catching a movie is a thrill in itself, isn't it?
Project Submission is such a nightmare! Remember doing hard work overnight with your project team?
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When unexpectedly you get to know the lecture is off...
Canteen is the place where you can be found more than classrooms, right?
When you won the bet of talking to a beautiful classmate...
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When your crush talks to you!
When exams are in the corner and you are reading the notes for the first time!
When external examiner asks a question in oral exam and you are not prepared for it.
When HR calls your parents for your poor attendance in the class...
And finally the day comes to say goodbye and suddenly you realize that you cannot rewind the time!