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Chemistry Memes That Every Chemistry Nerd Will Understand

Rachna B Gupta Mar 25, 2024
- That lemons contain more sugar than strawberries?
Did You Know?

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Once upon a time I was a human..
Till I drank from one of those glasses!
What? You scored a "B" in organic chemistry!
Well! Your chances of becoming a doctor "ARGON."

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It's been HOURS since I sent my friends a chemistry joke.

~AND there is still no REACTION!
I overheard you say "the lab smells like rotten eggs."
Well! We are sorry about the SULPHURING!
Can you stop REACTING?
I told you, he and I are just friends!
Oh! So, you want to know how often my human parents share chemistry jokes?
Thankfully, only PERIODICALLY!
Student: I blew up my Chemistry experiment!

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Teacher: It's okay, "oxidants" happen!
Is it solid, liquid, gas or plasma?

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Did you just say CHEMISTRY PUNS?
We are in our element!
What do we do with a sick chemist?
We can try to first HELIUM and then CARIUM and if that doesn't work then we BARIUM!

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The LAUGHING GAS takes effect...HA! HA! HA!
The after effects of inhaling HELIUM!
The name is - BOND
Guy: Are you sure you are not made up of Curium and Tellurium?
Because I think you are CUTE!
I think I have misplaced my ELECTRON.
In fact, I am POSITIVE!
If these Chemistry memes made you laugh, do share it with friends so that they can benefit from the chemical reaction in their bodies too!